
Scallop Shrine

I sought treasures and keepsakes
and buried broken sand dollars
and built a shrine for someone to find

i don't know where i come from
but i know all the places i don't
b e l o n g


Festival at Bridge Street

i forgot what fantastic was
until i came back to
the waves and the sand and the shells and the art of it all.

we should do this more often.


art is everywhere i look

Subject: Hand-sculpted clay stegosaurus
Artist: 12-year-old Haden S.

Subject: Dancing in the Sunset
Artists: Two Musicians and Four Dancing Men

Subject: Beads and Gems and Concrete
Artist: Unknown


Festival Pups

One eye blue,
one eye green

Very well behaved

(bigger than the kid)

Butterfly tail


house hunt

we're searching empty houses to find a new place to be our own
but i could never paint over
someone else's
h o m e


Farmers' Market

(you can find more than just fresh veggies there)

Bonnie & Clyde

Lady Gaga

Simon & Garfunkel

Bill Murray

Willie Nelson

Joey from "Friends"

Chelsea Handler

The Queen of Sheba


I generally tend to dislike organized religion and church services--verbiose hymns and prayers I can't relate to--but this was something that moved me spiritually like nothing else has in a long time.

"Treat every person you meet like they're a greeting card to God."

"He is the only one who gets to tell you what you're worth."

"This is a love affair, and he's in love with you."

We gathered up all of our unworthiness and bound them to seashells
and cast them into the sea.
This is our chance to be new
and free.
